Bio-X is a company specialized in environmental solutions whose focus is on providing specialized services in many industries. We strongly operate in the following activities: preparation of environmental studies; preparation of environmental diagnoses and prognoses; environmental impact evaluation; preparation, implantation, and operationalization of environmental control programs; preparation of synergistic environmental impact studies; compliance and management of requirements and other environmental obligations; development of environmental engineering research and projects; development of new environmental technologies; implantation of environmental management system; development and management of environmental indicators and many environmental follow-up.
Below are some examples of services:
* Preparation of impact and environmental control studies including speleology and archeology;
* Preparation of synergistic impact studies, taking into account air quality, noise, seismography, and water quality;
* Diligence of licensing processes with the relevant environmental agencies;
* Preparation of plans for mine closure and decommissioning of activities in general;
* Preparation and implantation of environmental education programs; Socioeconomic surveys including self-rescue zones downstream of dams;
* Rescue of fauna and flora;
* Preparation, implantation, operationalization and follow-up of projects and programs for environmental control;
* Preparation of environmental similarity studies;
* Preparation of reports in compliance with environmental obligations and requirements in general;
* Recovery and/ or restoration of areas;
* Preparation of management plans for preservation areas;
* Hydroseeding for area recovery and/ or dust control;
* Maintenance and conservation of preserved areas;
* Rescue of fauna and flora;
* Environmental follow-up of fauna and flora;
* Preparation of environmental diagnoses, forecasts and assessment of environmental impacts;
* Analysis of soil and water contamination;
* Environmental follow-up;
* Environmental follow-up with drones;
* Implantation of Environmental Management System (ISO 14001);
* Development and implantation of environmental technologies, among other environmental services.